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Body temperature recognition wing gate -- escort for medical staff

Source:测温闸机小编 Date:2020-04-19 Click:1616

At the beginning of this year, the medical industry is the busiest industry. It has taken the lead to block us in the front line. Effective isolation measures can not only effectively protect these soldiers from the virus, but also greatly improve their work efficiency. What role can temperature recognition wing play in the medical industry?

可用于医疗行业测温隔离的高端翼闸案例图 speed gate 9484773

First of all, pedestrian access equipment can isolate the hospital area, such as:
1. Access control: carry out flow statistics on the main entrances and exits, and carry out differentiated control on the access personnel (such as employees, patients, family members, visitors, etc.). For this outbreak, epidemic control can also be carried out to separate the fever and non fever personnel.
2. Focus on management and control. Isolate important areas, such as wards, operating rooms, pharmacies, etc., as well as unattended areas. For this epidemic, control the epidemic isolation area to avoid cross infection.
3. Ward isolation: separate different wards. Unauthorized personnel are not allowed to cross the wards to avoid cross infection.
In addition, it can also isolate the laboratory area, the staff locker room and other places. For the isolation of patient data room, today we mainly talk about the great role that the wing gate of body temperature recognition associated with the gate and body temperature recognition equipment can play in the medical industry.
We have known about face recognition equipment before. The principle is very simple. It is to recognize the face control switch to open and close the door-shaped adult passage. As the name implies, the body temperature recognition equipment is to detect the body temperature of the in and out personnel, and separate the personnel with normal body temperature and high body temperature. The biggest feature of this epidemic is fever. The body temperature recognition switch can effectively help doctors The service personnel isolated the fever personnel at the first time to avoid cross infection to the greatest extent.

测温隔离系统——高端翼闸案例93848 speed gate

The principle of the temperature detection equipment is relatively simple, similar to the thermometer, and there are many kinds of gate machines on the market. Why do we say that our gate machines have more advantages? First of all, the height of our wing gate wings can be adjusted, from 1200mm to 1800mm, it can be customized according to the needs of customers, and the opening and closing speed of the gate wings can be within 0.5 seconds, so as to truly realize anti tailing, compared with the common ones on the market The gate wing of wing gate is not easy to break off, which can effectively avoid the entry of unauthorized personnel. In addition, the wing gate produced by us operates more smoothly, can guarantee 10 million times of barrier free operation, and the core life can be more than 5 years. The appearance design is needless to say that it adopts natural materials (natural marble, glass, stainless steel, etc.), has a gorgeous appearance, and can match with a variety of systems on the market, so as to truly realize the integration of AI intelligence.
As far as the current epidemic situation is concerned, in addition to masks and isolation suits, the body temperature recognition gate will be the most effective equipment to resist the epidemic in the future. For more information about the body temperature recognition gate, please call us.

【 This article label 】:高端测温闸机 测温隔离系统案例

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