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Body temperature recognition gate -- the first gate of epidemic prevention for factories in each community

Source:通道闸小编 Date:2020-04-19 Click:2127

According to our previous understanding of the development of pedestrian gate, the most common and commonly used gate is the gate that swipes the card, which also includes the check of tickets in scenic spots, subway swipes the subway card and other ways, because the internal logic principle is similar, and later, for the sake of more convenience, the gate that is associated with biological identification and other ways, such as fingerprint identification, appears, Iris recognition and face recognition are more accurate than card reader recognition.

大型工厂测温闸机 大型工厂案例 speed gate

This year, due to the severe form of new coronavirus pneumonia, in order to meet the needs of the market, we associate the temperature detection equipment with the gate. When the passers-by passes, the temperature detection equipment will detect the temperature of the passer-by. If the temperature of the passer-by is normal, the gate will open. If the temperature of the passer-by exceeds the normal temperature of the human body, the gate will not open. This temperature detection gate is currently The gate guards of each community, an indispensable intelligent pedestrian passage device for all small and medium-sized factories, take our most common situation in recent days. In the weather of minus degrees, there are many community service personnel at the gate of each community to measure the temperature of the travelers in and out. In the winter, the weather outside the cities in the South and the north is very bad, and there are several hours outside It's unnecessary to say that if you suffer more, even if you have a cold, you dare not go to the hospital even when you are sensitive, and you are afraid of cross infection when you go to the hospital. But if you install temperature detection equipment at the door of each community, you can save a lot of human resources investment.

大型工厂实际高端翼闸案例 speed gate

Of course, this temperature detection gate not only plays a huge role in the entrance of the community, but also is essential for the factories of various companies to be started. All employees and visitors entering and leaving the factory every day must pass the temperature detection to enter normally.
Epidemic prevention is a long-term battle, and we can't stay at home forever because of the epidemic. Effective epidemic prevention measures are what we should do to implement. We should believe that the methods are more difficult than the methods. The temperature detection gate will be the most effective first gate for epidemic prevention in all communities and factories in the future.

【 This article label 】:测温闸机 大型工厂测温闸机

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